Recipes to Cook at Home

Recipes to Cook at Home Since we’re all at home and our lives seem to be slowing down considerably, it’s just as good a time as any to enjoy homemade meals. This easy, but delicious, salad recipe has ingredients that support the immune system while also...

Antimicrobial Mouth Wash

Antimicrobial Mouth Wash Our microbiome supports us in strange and mysterious ways. Did you know that bacteria found in the mouth are vitally important in reducing high blood pressure via exercise? A recent study revealed that the health benefits of exercise in...

Stanford Immune Study

Stanford Immune Study In what I would call a “landmark study”, researchers at Stanford University have discovered that the destruction of the human gut microbiome by antibiotics reduces the competence and function of our immune systems. People who received the flu...

Vocal Fold Hemorrhages

Vocal Fold Hemorrhages There are few situations when it is necessary for a vocalist to urgently seek care of a laryngologist (aka throat doctor), but sudden loss of the voice after or during a strenuous performance – without a concurrent upper respiratory...

Lyme and When to Treat

Lyme and When to Treat Tick season is in full swing and I am getting lots of calls and seeing patients with new tick bites. Many of the calls are about children who are at day camp. Please check your children for ticks everyday when they come home if they have been...

The Power of Words

The Power of Words I had a vocalist come to me who was told by their speech pathologist/voice teacher that she would never sing again based upon some finding on a stroboscopic evaluation. Nothing was further from the truth, but the person was devastated and completely...